Year Anew

Mon amour:

How I wish I could spend this night with you; celebrating, sharing new happy memories ending and staring a year anew. I wish we could share your pain; be by your side, your shoulder to cry on, your strength while everything seems to suck out every happiness in you like a dementor kissing your soul. I can barely say ‘Happy New Year’ to others; I want to be sure of your happiness first. Instead, I wish everybody else a Prosperous New Year just as I pray for you to have an abundant year ahead, most especially in your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. I’m sorry that I can’t be there physically; I could only pray for what’s best for y’all. We may not be together tonight, but my heart and my soul are with you. Always with you. Things may be a mystery for now, but in God’s perfect time, we will understand everything that’s happening.

Sending you all my love.


We make an ideal concept out of someone whom we think could fit the qualities perfectly.

But isn’t it even more admirable when the same person show you their true wonderful self and prove you that there is no such thing as your ‘ideal’ person?

At the end of the day, each of us is beautiful in our own way; embracing our flaws is what makes us even more than a concept.


Today, don’t just celebrate me because it’s my birthday; more importantly so, celebrate my mother for she has had the strength to deliver me to this world with her life on the line; carried me nine months; sets me and our whole family first before herself; sacrificed everything that’s hers to give us what we want and what we needed; and for the two decades of my existence, she never missed a single thing in my life. My consistent supporter.


For years I have been habitually writing (and blogging), I learned that it does not really matter how good your penmanship is or how aesthetic your posts look; in the end, what matters is the content of your article.

Same in reality:

It is okay if you are not the prettiest or the most handsome. Your imperfections does not matter; it is normal. What’s important is your substance: your wisdom, your intellect, your values.

Not Everybody Has Both

There will be someone who might hurt you multiple times in your life and never will it occur to you of leaving them — but that doesn’t mean they’ll do the same for you.

You give and give and give, but you must not expect anything in return.

Because it takes a strong heart to forgive;

A courageous heart to give chances.

But not everybody has both.

Back to Writing

Hello, I’m back!

I made my site private and took a break from writing for four (shitty) months. I thought refraining from writing would help me ignore some feelings I try to shake off in the back of head, but as I ponder now what those four months without my blogsite was like, I was pathetic. There were people I forgave even if they don’t deserve it. There were people I swallow my pride for, but don’t even appreciate the things I do for them. There were people who took away what I worked for for four years. There were people who tried to put me down in my shining moment. There were people who neglected me when I needed their encouragement.

And just yesterday, my efforts for the past days were wasted because I was preparing for a job interview in a hotel; worst happened, I wasn’t interviewed even though I was endorsed and scheduled. I don’t want to dig into details of my story anymore deeper. But yeah, the fuck???

Nothing much about me has changed in the course of four months that I was away except from having my degree. Yes, I graduated in college just a month ago with honors. At least, there’s still something good I can write about.

Don’t know what else to say… Perhaps we could interact to one another since I missed being here? 🙂