Friendship Over Conflict

Photo credits to Heart Speaks

I wouldn’t let a simple misunderstanding ruin the years of camaraderie I’ve shared with people I once considered celebrating with when I succeed in life. But life doesn’t play the same way as mine, some would unexpectedly decide to get rid of me; some would surprisingly express their appreciation; perhaps some would just go with the flow. And guess what? Who would actually care, right? At the end of the day, people love memories more than their present days. Here I am, lively playing inside someone’s memories; bitterly left out for an unknown reason; painfully coping with the changes I have no idea why it even occurred.


The only key to deal with change a little smoother than the way others do is acceptance. You see, people change; things change; everything changes, and we can do nothing about it. Change is inevitable. If things don’t work out the way we wanted it, maybe it’s time for us to change our perspectives and our attitude towards the things we are currently facing.

Acceptance doesn’t guarantee anyone to make anything less complicated; it is not promised to be easy. It could even affect our ego and pride, but what’s the big deal, right? The thing is: acceptance becomes hard when we begin to see ourselves entitled to everything.

You cannot expect people to act according to your standards; you cannot expect people to play your game. Everyone wants to get rid of something they lose interest in – and that’s how we work: we change our tastes and preferences, we change our style. It sure is disappointing, but we all grow up! Well, perhaps, some of us take a bit longer to get into that phase in life, but we need to understand that everything – good and bad – has to end.

For so many times I have said it over and over: everything in this world is temporary; only change is constant.

Lost Star

I am done with chasing after people. Want to talk to me? Initiate the conversation. Want to see me? Compromise with my schedule. Miss me? Then find a way to be with me.

I’m tired of guessing games. Guessing if you like me, guessing if you want me still. All I ever do to people is to give my best, but then I always receive the least thing they can offer. And I finally have the strength to turn my back and learn to let go of people who cannot make me feel whole.

Don’t make me wait, I won’t. Don’t make me jealous, I’m not. Don’t make it seem like you’re a loss, ‘coz you are not.

You lost the one who loved you so genuinely; you lost the the one who was willing to give her all; you lost the one who was eager to learn your thing and enjoy it with you rather than hers; you lost the one who possesses the eyes that speaks of you all the time; you lost the one who could have brought out the best in you; you lost the brightest star in your darkest night.

Plain White You

I’ve known you for five years or more,

But lately I feel different towards you:

Something I can’t explain,

Something bizarre from a usual feeling

You’re acting differently now,

You’re not the same old person I’ve known,

Seems like something’s caused it to change,

Like a rainbow that’s been turned into beige

Your colorful eyes slowly fading,

I see it whenever our eyes meet

And worse, I feel it every time I’m with you

Bright colors turned into a plain white hue

What can I do to have you back?

I won’t let a white turn into black;

Too much to lose, too much to handle

Tired of adjustments, tired of amendments 

I just want the old version of us

Endless conversations without a second of hush