Justice for Feelings

Why would I be sorry if I got hurt? Why would I be sorry if I got affected? Why would I be sorry for something I felt after someone did it? Do I always have to justify my feelings? Do I need to have reasons for every emotions I feel?

If that’s so, I would rather deal with myself alone. 🙂

Just Breathe

I know a person who thinks that I am a strong person. Well, I cannot blame him for that ‘coz that’s what I really choose to show everyone else around me. Every time I get bothered, and they ask me if I’m alright, all I say is that: “as if I do care about such thing,” but you know, just the usual hiding of feelings. Deep down, you’re affected.

Every time I open up to him about my struggles, he’ll give me some piece of advice until we get to an ending and his last line would be: “strong ka naman e.” To think of those moments, it’s hard for me to hold my laughter ‘coz you know when you realize how you became so good at pretending that even the closest person to you gets confused with your emotions. But of course, to my defense, when you are deeply hurt, you gotta learn to find ways to distract yourself from feeling the pain gradually tearing your pieces apart like viruses beating up your white cells and then kaboom! Down immune system and you’re dead. It’s a way not to entertain your death, you know? Well, not literally, of course. But emotionally. It takes time to learn that, though; emotions are really hard to fight against with. But you have to learn to use your tiny brain to think rationally; it’s for your own good.

I remember a friend of mine once told me: “all you gotta do is breathe.” I could say that’s the best thing someone could ever tell me. Everyone else was telling me I should be fine ‘coz blah blah blah; It’s okay blah blah blah; Life is just like that blah blah blah. Fuq everything! Nothing gets better, and in fact, it only gets worse. But then suddenly someone reminded me of breathing. Oh well, sounds useless, but actually, most of us are getting swallowed by their own thoughts and they forget to breathe.

Dumb Choices = Endless Drama

Maybe everyone’s hurting. Maybe everyone has his own secrets to hide; a story to keep; a tear to hold up. Maybe everyone’s dealing with shitloads of problems – financial, heartbreak, separation, spiritual hunger, emotional breakdown, physical pain. And perhaps some of us are tired of hearing same kinds of stuff knowing that the ones we love are dumbass for choosing the wrong resolution for such issues.

And tell you what – whoever reads this:

Everyone gets tired. Your pain won’t always be a valid excuse for your dumb choices. Your struggles won’t always be a valid reason for your iniquity. Whatever you are going through, we all have limits. And not everyone has that long temper to keep up with your dramas.

Unexplainable Pain

Thoughts in my head,

Floating all over it

I do not know how to express,

I cannot even comprehend

Even when I try,

All I can do is cry

Cry, cry, and cry

Catching my breath, 

I’m struggling to fight

Against these emotions,

How can I?

I don’t even know what I feel

How to get healed?

There’s too much to write,

Only few I can describe

Nothing is exact

Now, how do I expound?